NutriAg’s M-BOS with Methylobacterium organophilum increases production
of essential compounds like Cytokinins, Amino Acids, Sugars, Nucleic Acids, Vitamins,
and Coenzymes. Cytokinins regulate seed germination, cell division, nutrient mobilization,
and plant defence resulting 
in greater yield.

Activated by Methylobacterium organophilum™ 
M-BOS is a unique bacterium able to use methanol and oxalic acid as a carbon source.
Once applied, the special bacteria produce metabolites which assist plant defences against
abiotic stress, and improve crop growth by delaying leaf senescence,
and improving nutrient utilization.

The Benefits:

  • Accelerates growth rate 
  • Enhances nutrient uptake
  • Improves yield in multiple crops
  • Fortifies environmental stress tolerance, particularly resistance to drought
  • Plants stay green for longer
  • Compatible with most starters
  • Accelerates growth rate
  • Enhances nutrient uptake
  • Improves yield in multiple crops
  • Fortifies environmental stress tolerance, particularly resistance to drought
  • Plants stay green for longer
  • Compatible with most starters

With only 10 mL/ac applied in-furrow, your field receives almost 3,000 active bacteria per plant, stimulating the plant’s natural systems to produce a stronger, more resilient,
and higher yielding crop.* M-BOS is compatible with most liquid starter fertilizers.**

*NutriAg greenhouse trial. 10 mL of M-BOS contains 100,000,000 bacteria. At a density of 36,000 corn plants/acre, that means there are nearly
3,000 bacteria per plant, working to stimulate plant metabolism and growth, leading to higher yields.
**Speak to your NutriAg representative for more information.


In-Furrow Data:

Crop: Potato (multiple varieties)
Years: 2022-2023             
Location: 9 Sites in Atlantic Canada
Design: RCBD using each split field (3 strips/field) trial as a block
Method: Fields were split to compare untreated check against 10 mL/ac M-BOS applied in-furrow at planting.
Result: M-BOS increased the yield by an average of 9.8 cwt/ac.

Crop: Corn (multiple varieties)
Years: 2020-2022
Location: 14 sites across North America.
Method: Untreated control plots and fields were compared to plots and fields where M-BOS (10 mL/ac) was applied in-furrow at planting. 
Result: M-BOS increased yield by an average of 8.7 bu/ac.

Seed Treatment Data:

Crop: Canola (LL252)
Years: 2020 & 2021             
Location: St. Brieux, SK
Design: RCBD using each split field
Data: Average of 2 RCBD Trials
Method: Untreated seed was compared to seed treatment with
M-BOS ST at a rate of 125 mL/100 kg. 
Result: M-BOS ST increased yield by an average of 3.9 bu/ac

Crop: Spring Wheat (Alida)
Year: 2023
Location: St. Brieux, SK
Method: Untreated seed was compared to seed treated with
M-BOS ST at a rate 
of 125 mL/100 kg.
Result: M-BOS ST increased yield
by 1.9 bu/ac

M-BOS ST* for Seed Treatment:
125 mL M-BOS/100 kg seed plus 375 mL non-chlorinated water. Can be applied up to 3 months pre-planting.

4-22 C, 6 month shelf-life

*Pending registration


For more information or to request a label or SDS, contact us.